back the blue

safer communities for tomorrow
Across the nation, law enforcement agencies are confronting a staffing crisis. An increasing number of young individuals are opting for other careers, turning away from the call to protect and serve.
Our communities feel the impact, with dwindling resources in the very agencies tasked with ensuring our safety.
Many talented individuals, who could be our future heroes in blue, are choosing different paths. The reasons are varied, but at the heart of the issue is a pressing need for change, evolution, and support.
the grim reality
In a 2020 survey by the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), nearly half of the U.S. police agencies reported seeing a rise in departures and retirements over the past several years.

what’s the


Recruitment Decline - Back The Blue
Academy for law enforcement officers
Vacanies - Back the Blue
Decreased interest in becoming a police officer
officer turn ober
early retirement
Use of force continuum
Morale issues
  • we serve-icon
    Recruitment Decline
  • Circle Icon
    reduced academy class
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    decreased interest
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    officer turnover
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    early retirement
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    budget cuts
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    use of force concerns
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    Moral issues
The same PERF survey showed that 63% of 
the police agencies reported a decrease in the number of applicants, compared to five 
years earlier.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics noted that the number of full-time sworn officers per 1,000 residents dropped from 2.42 in 1997 to 2.17 in 2016, representing a significant drop in 
staffing levels.
Some large departments, like the Seattle Police Department, reported vacancy rates as high as 20% due to retirements, resignations, and other forms of separations.
A 2019 national poll by the Pew Research Center found that only 30% of Black men and women expressed interest in becoming a police officer, a reflection of broader societal tensions.
A 2019 study found the annual turnover rate for police officers was between 10 and 18 percent, significantly higher than the 1% annual turnover rate reported by the U.S. military.
Cities like Chicago saw an almost 15% jump in police retirements in 2020 compared to 2018.
According to a 2020 CBS News report, 
over a dozen U.S. cities had cut their police budget, which can impact recruitment and retention efforts.
A 2017 Pew Research Center survey found that 76% of the 8,000 officers polled said they were now more reluctant to use necessary force due to fears of repercussions.
A 2020 Police Union survey in New York City reported that 80% of NYPD officers said they would not recommend joining the force, highlighting morale issues.



Enter to Performance Protocol, dedicated to assisting law enforcement. We focus on helping agencies recruit, develop, and keep top officers. We offer professional development, coaching, and recruiting strategies. Our goal? Creating a culture that attracts and retains top talent, ensuring dedicated service to our communities.

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the community fund

We recognize the varied challenges our law enforcement agencies face, from 
funding constraints to political dynamics. That's where the 'Community Fund' steps in. Your contribution, even as minimal as a dollar, goes directly toward making our suite of specialized services accessible to underfunded agencies, those facing a crisis, or those serving communities with limited political backing. Supporting the Community Fund ensures better resources for law enforcement, backing our heroes for a safer future.

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